How Long Do Commercial Dishwashers Last?

Telltale signs that your commercial dishwasher needs to be replaced

The question regarding how long a commercial dishwasher lasts is a complex one, as it depends on a number of factors.

However, commercial dishwashers typically have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, depending on factors such as usage, maintenance, and the specific model.

Regular maintenance and proper care can extend their longevity, ensuring efficient performance and reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Key points:

Guy operating machine in a tight space

What is the average lifespan of commercial dishwashers?

On average, commercial dishwashers are designed to last between 10 to 15 years. However, this estimate can vary depending on how well the dishwasher is maintained and the level of usage it undergoes. 

Proper care and regular maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of a commercial dishwasher. Neglecting maintenance can lead to premature breakdowns and costly repairs.

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High usage – how does it affect the lifespan?

Usage is a key factor that will affect the lifespan of a commercial dishwasher.

High-volume establishments, such as busy restaurants or catering services, put more strain on the dishwasher compared to low-volume establishments. 

Constantly running the dishwasher at maximum capacity and for extended periods can lead to increased wear and tear, reducing its lifespan.


Maintenance is crucial in ensuring the longevity of a commercial dishwasher.

Regular cleaning and servicing help prevent the buildup of limescale deposits, grease, and food particles, which can clog the machine's components and decrease its efficiency. 

Neglecting regular maintenance can result in decreased performance, increased energy consumption, and ultimately, a shorter lifespan for the dishwasher.

Proper maintenance includes routine cleaning of:

Additionally, it is essential to inspect and replace any worn or damaged parts promptly. Engaging a professional technician for regular inspections and servicing is recommended to identify and address any potential issues before they escalate.

Regular maintenance not only prolongs the lifespan of a commercial dishwasher, it also ensures consistent performance and efficiency. It reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns, minimizes costly repairs, and avoids disruptions to the operations of the food service establishment. 

By investing time and resources into regular maintenance, your businesses will save money in the long run and maintain a smooth workflow in the kitchen.

Looking to replace your existing commercial dishwasher?

Experience the benefits of a modern and efficient commercial dishwasher. You will get more done in less time with hourly capacities ranging up to 264 GN 1/1. Leave your details below and we will contact you shortly to discuss.

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Signs of a dishwasher near the end of its lifespan

As a commercial dishwasher approaches the end of its lifespan, several indicators may suggest that it's time for a replacement.

Recognizing these signs is crucial to avoid frequent breakdowns, decreased efficiency, and costly repairs, which can ultimately impact the overall productivity and profitability of a business.

Common indicators for replacement:

1. Frequent breakdowns:

If a dishwasher starts experiencing frequent breakdowns, requiring repeated repairs, it may be a sign of its deteriorating condition. Constantly repairing an aging dishwasher can become expensive and disruptive to daily operations.

2. Decreased efficiency:

Over time, a dishwasher's performance may decline. Dishes may not come out as clean as they used to. This decreased efficiency can lead to longer cleaning cycles, increased energy consumption, and unsatisfactory cleaning results.

3. Increased repair costs:

As a dishwasher ages, the likelihood of major component failures and the need for costly repairs tends to increase. If the cost of repairing the dishwasher exceeds a significant portion of the cost of a new replacement, it may be more cost-effective to invest in a new dishwasher altogether.


Be vigilant for signs of wear

It is important to closely monitor the signs of an aging dishwasher - and proactively plan for its replacement. 

Upgrading to a new, efficient dishwasher can improve productivity, reduce repair and maintenance costs, enhance cleaning results, and contribute to the overall profitability of the business.

Factors to consider when deciding to replace a commercial dishwasher

When contemplating whether to replace a commercial dishwasher, several factors should be taken into consideration:

These are all crucial aspects of the decision-making process.

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1. Repair costs versus replacement costs

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2. Outdated technology


3. Energy efficiency

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4. Maintenance and operational costs

Benefits of upgrading to a newer, more efficient model

1. Improved cleaning performance:

Newer dishwashers come with advanced cleaning technologies, ensuring superior cleaning results and reduced re-washing requirements.

2. Time and labor savings:

Upgraded models with faster cleaning cycles and improved load capacity can enhance operational efficiency, reducing labor costs and increasing productivity.

3. Energy and water savings:

Energy-efficient dishwashers consume less water and energy per wash cycle, resulting in reduced utility bills.

4. Enhanced features and technology:

Newer models may offer features such as touch-screen controls, customizable settings, and self-cleaning functions, streamlining operations and improving user experience.

5. Longer lifespan:

Investing in a new dishwasher provides an opportunity to reset the lifespan clock, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs in the near future.

Looking to replace your existing commercial dishwasher?

Experience the benefits of a modern and efficient commercial dishwasher. You will get more done in less time with hourly capacities ranging up to 264 GN 1/1. Leave your details below and we will contact you shortly to discuss.

Tips for maximizing the lifespan of commercial dishwashers

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of commercial dishwashers, following practical maintenance tips and best practices is essential. Proper cleaning routines, maintenance schedules, and regular inspections are essential.

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1. Regular cleaning routines

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2. Maintenance schedules

Foldable hatch of Smart+ in use

3. Regular inspections

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4. Use high-quality detergents

5. Follow manufacturer guidelines

By implementing these tips and best practices, businesses can maximize the lifespan of their commercial dishwashers. Regular cleaning, maintenance, and inspections are crucial. Also, the use of appropriate detergents, in accordance with manufacturer guidelines matters. Altogether, this improves performance, energy efficiency, and cost savings in the long run.

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In conclusion:

Upgrade your commercial kitchen today with Nordisk Clean Solutions and experience the benefits of a modern and efficient commercial dishwasher.

Contact us today


Some frequently asked questions on the subject of how long commercial dishwashers last.

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What is the average lifespan of a commercial dishwasher?


On average, commercial dishwashers can last between 10 to 15 years.

However, this lifespan can vary depending on several factors, such as usage patterns, maintenance practices, and the quality of the dishwasher.


What are the signs that indicate a commercial dishwasher needs replacement?


Signs include frequent breakdowns, decreased efficiency in cleaning and drying, increased energy consumption, and costly repairs that outweigh the value of the machine.


How can I maximize the lifespan of my commercial dishwasher?


Proper maintenance is crucial. Follow manufacturer guidelines for cleaning and maintenance routines, conduct regular inspections, and ensure that your staff is trained in proper usage.

Using high-quality detergents and addressing any issues promptly can also contribute to a longer lifespan.

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